The Cost of Claude Pro and How It Compares to ChatGPT

Is Claude2 and Claude 100k free?

Yes, Claude2(Claude 100k) is free but with a limit of 100 messages every 8 hours. You can use it by visiting But is currently only available in the US and UK.

How much does it to subscribe Claude Pro?

Claude Pro is Anthropic's new premium conversational AI assistant service. Starting today, September 7, 2023, you can subscribe to Claude Pro for just $20 per month in the US and £18 per month in the UK.

For comparison, ChatGPT Pro from OpenAI also costs $20 per month. So Claude Pro and ChatGPT Pro are competitively priced.

What Do You Get with Claude Pro?

With Claude Pro, you get several benefits over the free Claude service:

5x more usage - Send many more messages per day before hitting any limits Priority access - Get responses faster during high traffic periods Early access to new features - Be the first to try out new capabilities as they roll out This allows you to have longer, more advanced conversations with Claude and take full advantage of its conversational intelligence skills.

Are There Any Usage Limits with Claude Pro?

Yes, Claude Pro still has usage limits, but they are far more generous than the free tier.

You can expect to send at least 100 messages every 8 hours with Claude Pro, often more depending on the length of your messages and conversations. Claude will warn you when you have 20 messages remaining before your limit resets.

So while unlimited use is not possible, with Claude Pro you get dramatically increased usage compared to free users, letting you chat with Claude extensively each day.


For $20 per month, Claude Pro offers excellent value if you want to fully utilize Claude's advanced conversational abilities. With 5x more usage than free and priority access during peak times, Claude Pro is the best way to chat with Claude as much as you want each day.

visit AI.LS to get a Chatgpt API KEY(Claude API supporting is coming soon)